COVID-19 Preparedness Plan

Facilities and Operations Adaptations

Bright Raven has two facilities, a 26,000 square foot facility located in Gates and a 28,000 square foot facility in Victor. Both provide ample spacing, equipment, and supplies, which allow adaptability to meet all recommended CDC and DOH guidelines. We are also making modifications and changes to our class scheduling as well as class sizing to abide by the recommended protocol. These modifications and adaptations allow us the opportunity to protect children and staff while carefully monitoring our processes and procedures for compliance.

Recommended Health and Safety Actions

Actions are in place to promote healthy hygiene practices, intensive cleaning and disinfections of facilities, social distancing, limits on sharing of any equipment, and training of all staff and athletes on health and safety protocols to meet CDC and DOH safeguards. We are taking great lengths to provide for social distancing, healthy hygiene practices, and ongoing monitoring.

Social Distancing and Healthy Hygiene Practice Considerations
Gates Facility

There are three entrance and exit pathways. We have just added a new entrance door to the right of our main entrance, which will allow for increased space for optimal traffic flow into and out of the gym. Our team members will utilize the back door entrance. Students and one family member will stand at 6 foot marked spaces at the assigned entrance at their assigned time to enter (information on door entry assignment will be provided prior to the start day of class). A coach will be present to meet students and ensure distance between them upon entering and throughout their time in the facility. They will review training instructions each session with the students and provide supervision while maintaining social distance and hygiene.

Victor Facility

This is a brand new state of the art facility, which also has three entrance and exit pathways for use. The same protocol is to be followed at the Victor location to ensure distancing when entering and exiting the facility.

Protocol for physical distancing during training in both facilities:

  • Gym access times will be staggered.
  • Small group sizes.
  • Maintain spaces clearly marked with tape and signs to spread out athletes throughout training sessions with 6’ markers placed.
  • We purchased barricades for each location to section off areas.
  • Training plans will be created in a way to adhere to social distancing, any partner activities will be omitted, use of training objects will be limited, and drill type activities will be designed to eliminate any hands on assistance from a coach.
  • We have implemented online registrations to minimize face-to-face contact with office personnel and to avoid unnecessary entrance into the gym.

Distancing Specific to Students and Parents Protocol:

  • One parent will be allowed to enter the facilities with their child. Classes that allow for parents to be with their child during class will be limited to one parent/guardian. No siblings will be allowed in during class.
  • We will ask that one parent accompany their child if enrolled in Mini Olympian class to aid in keeping separation and distance between children and also to assist child to minimize coach contact with the students.
  • Parent must wear a mask upon entering and while in the facilities.
  • There will be no congregation of anyone in entrance/exits pathways and 6 foot distance to be maintained at all times
  • No use of locker/cubby area. Students will bring a small bag with personal belongings kept separate from others
  • Water fountains will be closed. Students bring water bottles with their name clearly marked and kept with personal belongings. Food is discouraged and not to be shared.
  • Stagger use of bathrooms. Both the Gates and Victor locations have three different locations of bathroom facilities. We have placed 6’ distancing markers in the bathrooms. Hand washing signage will be clearly visible in all bathrooms. Athletes will be advised of strict hand hygiene after bathroom use.
  • Parental, guardian, or visitor viewing is not encouraged and has always been limited.
  • Waiting room is closed until further notice.

Disinfection and Cleaning Practices Facility:

  • Both gyms have been cleaned, updated, and sanitized for re-opening according to CDC guidelines using only EPA approved products effective against COVID-19 for cleaning and disinfection. This includes all surfaces, mats, training devices and props, and equipment.
  • Disinfect key touch points throughout the facility, a minimum of once every two hours. Specific staff will be assigned to these positions daily as well as logs maintained and prominently placed to document date, time and scope of cleaning to comply with Department of Health hygiene and sanitation requirements.
  • Disinfect active equipment after each small group finishes class. Cleaning supplies will be provided for each staff member to use at every station for ease of access.
  • Entire facility will be disinfected at the end of each training day utilizing our new “Victory Electrostatic Disinfecting System” which will disinfect every surface in both the Victor and Gates facilities.
  • Hand sanitizer containing 60% or more alcohol available at all training stations throughout the facility. We recently purchased stainless steel dispensers for wipes for sanitation of hands upon entry of the facility.
  • Installed touch-free soap and paper towel dispensers in bathrooms.
  • Purchased a portable UV sterilizer light and a UV and ozone lamp to assist in disinfecting all carpet and foam areas.
  • Signage to be placed throughout the site to remind staff and athletes to adhere to proper hygiene, social distancing rules, appropriate use of personal protective equipment, and cleaning and disinfecting protocols

Staff Protocol Hygiene:

  • All staff will be required to practice healthy hygiene practices upon entering the facility and throughout the time they are in the facility adhering to hygiene and sanitation requirements from the CDC and DOH.
  • All staff members have been informed of the signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and must self-monitor their health status for any symptoms of illness prior to each shift. In the event that a staff member exhibits any signs or symptoms, they are to notify the gym and will need to be assessed and tested before returning to work. Staff members are not to enter the facilities with any signs of illness.
  • Each staff member will be temperature screened when they enter for their shift utilizing a brand new no-touch thermometer each day upon arrival. Staff members’ temperature must be less than 100.4 degrees to be permitted to work.
  • Hand washing will be required immediately upon entering the gym and after every class training period.
  • Masks are to be worn by all staff at all times.
  • Practice 6’ social distancing with all other staff, athletes or visitors.
  • Bring water bottles clearly marked with name and kept with the individual
  • Adhere to all sanitizing requirements at all times.
  • No staff business travel to occur.
  • Staff required to attend all Zoom meetings for instructions and must demonstrate understanding of expectations of the upcoming week to include any COVID-19 updates.
  • Staff break room will remain closed.

Student Sanitation Protocol:

  • All students must sanitize hands every time they enter or exit their program area with provided sanitizer.
  • Students will need to bring their own bag with belongings and water bottle. No common areas are open such as locker cubby areas or water fountains.
  • During summer months, children are encouraged to wear flip-flops so they can be don and doffed quickly. 
  • Masks must be worn by any parents/guardians that enter the facility at all times
  • Students must come prepared for class. Longer hair needs to be pulled up securely away from their face prior to entry to help to eliminate touching their face during class.
  • Encourage all students to go to the bathroom and wash their hands before arriving at the gym to limit bathroom use while in the facility.
  • Students and parents are asked to monitor their health and not to enter the gym with any signs or symptoms of illness.
  • Parent and child will have their temperature taken upon entering the facility.
  • Parent/guardian accompanying child during class will need to complete a health screening checklist provided by the gym upon entering the gym.
  • Students agree to maintain 6-foot distance from all other students at all times
Ongoing Monitoring and Implementation of Procedures

We are committed to the safety and health of all staff and athletes while maintaining all recommended practices of the CDC and DOH to reduce potential for disease transmission. Staff involvement is essential to implement, maintain, and revise when necessary a successful COVID-19 Preparedness Plan. Our staff is one of our greatest assets. Daily electronic communication will exist amongst the staff to carry out the plan to ensure safety for all who enter Bright Raven Gymnastics. Our reopening plan will be thoroughly reviewed by all staff members and they must demonstrate full understanding of the plan and their role in implementing and maintaining the plan. Weekly Zoom meetings will communicate updates and developments.

We are assigning dedicated staff to oversee the protocols that have been set forth. These dedicated staff members will ensure compliance as well as monitor for absenteeism amongst staff and students. This is in addition to ensuring social distancing, face covering adherence, hand hygiene, temperature screenings, cleaning and disinfecting, and ongoing education. They are to maintain logs for cleaning surfaces as well as attendance of students, staff and any persons to include deliveries that enter the facility.

All students and their parents or guardians must also play their part to ensure a safe start by all and partner with the staff of Bright Raven to get our students back into the gym while preventing the spread of coronavirus. Students and parents will be advised of our plan and must commit to adhering to all guidelines.

Early next week we will be sending an informational video demonstrating the protocols that we have in place.

We look forward to re-opening our doors for a safe return. Please contact us with any questions or concerns you may have in moving forward. The gym number is 247-0800 or 734-1845.


In good health and safety,

Kathy King and Bright Raven Gymnastics